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P/053/2023- Sri. Suresh Kumar B
The appellant sri. Suresh Kumar is a domestic consumer having three phase connection with connected load of 10.066 kw under the electrical section, Thirumala of Licensee, KSEBL. The average monthly consumption was around 500 units and average monthly bill amount was Rs. 3,400/-. The meter recorded high consumption and a bill for Rs. 18,423/- was issued on 21/02/2023 and another bill for Rs. 8,691/- was issued on 22/04/2023. There was a supply failure in one phase and the same has been rectified on 10/03/2023 itself. The wiring has been checked through a licensed electrician and there was no earth leakage. The appellants contention is that there is a reverse flow of current which results this high reading in the meter. The meter was tested and found working normal. The appellant questioned the heavy bill and filed petition to CGRF. The CGRF issued order on completing the proceedings dated 30/09/2023, stating that the appellant is liable to pay the amount as per the bill issued by the licensee. Aggrieved by the order of the CGRF, this appeal petition is filed to this authority.


Size 115.16 KB
Downloads 525
Created 2024-02-05 05:22:03
