Submitting complaints to CGRF PDF Print E-mail
The Consumers are advised to approach the appropriate Officers of the Licensee (including KSEB) for redressing their grievances initially. If the complaint is not rectified in time to their satisfaction they may approach the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) . The List of CGRF with address and phone numbers are furnished separately. The definition and meanings of the Terms such as Consumer, Complaint, Defects in Service etc are furnished in FAQ. The consumers are advised to understand these concepts before proceeding further.
The procedure for making complaints to the CGRF are explained below.
Submitting appeal to State Electricity Ombudsman PDF Print E-mail
1.    Representation  to the Electricity Ombudsman has to be submitted in duplicate in FORM B .  Sample form has been furnished else where.In addition to Form B the representation should contain the following documents:
a.Statement of Facts or Narration of the case( In duplicate)
b.Copy of the Petition submitted to CGRF with all documents
c. Copy of the order of the CGRF
d.Copies of the Petitions submitted to Licensee with all documents , and copies of the reply received from the Licensee.
The relief sought should be clear and specific . The address should be clear and complete with Pin Code, Phone Numbers  etc of the  complainant.
2.    The Declaration given in the form is  to be signed.
3.    Stamp paper or revenue/judicial stamps are not necessary. No fees are to be paid.
4.    The nature of relief sought should be clearly stated.  Copies of all the relevant documents should be attached.
5.    The Appeal Representation can be directly submitted in the Ombudsman office at Ernakulam or sent by Post/Courier.

Contact Us

D.H. Road & Foreshore Road Junction,
Near Gandhi Square,
Ernakulam, Kerala-682 016
Ph: 0484 2346488, Mob: 8714356488

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Do you Know?

Consumers should submit  petitions to CGRF first before appealing Ombudsman.

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