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P/074/2024, Sri. V.J Sebastian
This appeal petition is filed by Shri. V.J.Sebastian who is the Secretary of Kollathu Chathankary Padasekhara Samithi. The service connection no: 1146408020694 and 1146408020693 are taken in the name of Shri. Biju, Contractor Punja padinjarethara, Kollathu Chathankery Padasekhara Samithi, Laikkadu, Perunna. These service connections were taken for the seasonal agricultural purpose. These 3 phase connections are under tariff LT 5A and connected load 7.46KW and 18.75 KW respectively. These connections are taken before the commencement of cultivation and are disconnected after cultivation. On 18/09/2023, two applications were received from Shri. Biju at the Electrical Section, Thrickodithanam for the service connection to motors with capacity 10HP & 25HP . The Punja connection with 17267 and 17268 were restored at time of application and disconnected after cultivation. These are in the Thrikkodithanam Section. Two new service connection with Consumer no: 20693 & 20694 were issued on 18/09/2023 to regularise the punja connections with no energy meter. The tariff of the connection is LT 5A and the charges of the electricity supplied is paying by the Krishi Bhavan. The new service connections were given after remitting the service connection charges. The amount remitted includes ECSC charges & ACD. The connection were temporary disconnected based on the request of the consumer and will be reconnected on getting the application received during the next season. The consumer had not raised any complaint about the remittance of ECSC and ACD charges. The complaint raised by a third person is about the paying of extra amount Rs. 20,000/- which is to be refunded.


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Created 2025-02-04 04:58:07
