The appellant Shri. Viswanathan.G is the owner of the Partha Movie House, situated at Kallam thazham Junction and he is a Consumer of the Licensee under Electrical Section, Kilikolloor. The power availed for the Movie House is LT 3 Phase in LT 7C tariff with contract demand of 95KVA and connected load 122.372 KW with Consumer No. 1145645006423. This connection was availed prior to 2005. The consumer had exceeded the maximum demand above 100KVA during 05/2019, 06/2019, 07/2019 and 08/2019 and the Licensee had issued bill for Low voltage surcharge for Rs. 1,36,485/-. The consumer has been remitted this amount. Again the demand had crossed 100KVA during the month 09/2019, 01/2022, 04/2022, 05/2022, 08/2022, 09/2022, 03/2023, 04/2023 & 05/2023, and accordingly a bill for the low voltage surcharge was issued for Rs. 2,59,240/-. The appellant had objected this bill and filed petition to the CGRF. The CGRF issued the order dated 17/11/2023 on completing the procedures. Then the appellant had approached the KSERC for the Redressal of the grievance and the KSERC directed to file appeal petition vide letter dated 01/10/2024. Appellant had filed this appeal as per the direction of the KSERC vide letter dated 01/10/2024. |
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140.82 KB |
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176 |
Created |
2025-02-04 05:03:47 |
