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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
Change of tariff and issuance of short assessment bill – P/339/2013 – Smt. Sunitha Joy, Ernakulam.


The connection given to the consumer’s SSI unit was under industrial tariff. The inspection conducted by KSEB officials revealed that the electric connection was not used for any manufacturing activities. Based on the mahazar, the KSEB changed the tariff to commercial and raised short assessment bills on the consumer.In this case, the question to be decided is, ‘whether the activities of the appellant in the case under dispute warrant an industrial tariff or a commercial tariff? It is held that the appellant is eligible for industrial tariff.
Change of tariff category of bullion business and issuance of short assessment bill - P/336/2013 and P/337/2013 – James Jose, Ernakulam. (2 Cases).


Short assessment bills were issued, being the differential amount of the tariff rates, due to change of tariff of two electric connections from industrial to commercial. The purpose or activity of the consumer is related with the Hall marking of Bullion products. The question to be decided is, ‘whether the activities of the appellant in the premises come under industrial or commercial tariff. The electrical energy is used for business nature and hence upheld the change of tariff but the arrear period is limited to two years, as there was negligence on the part of the KSEB in fixing the eligible tariff.
Change of tariff of a Milk Processing unit from industry to commercial tariff and issuance of short assessment bill – P/162/2010 – K.C. John, Kozhikode


Based on an audit report, the tariff of the consumer was changed to commercial rate from the existing industrial one with retrospective effect and a short assessment bill issued. It was found that the consumer’s dairy farm was continuing in LT IV tariff, even after the tariff revision order issued, in which the tariff of milk processing plants, having their freezing, cold storage or chilling load more than 20% of the plant’s total connected load, were to be shifted under commercial from industrial tariff.Dispue with KSEB.

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