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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
Unauthorized Additional Load and Misuse of Tariff – penal bill issued under Section 126 of IE Act 2003 – P/283/2012 – Suprabha D, Kollam


The KSEB officials inspected the premises of an Old age home as using for the stay of the staff of a Construction Company. The consumer was charged for misuse of tariff. A provisional assessment bill was issued. The appellant has the claim that, since the building is rented out for residential purpose, the domestic tariff is applicable. This Forum ruled that stay of a certain number of employees of a construction company in a building, can only be considered as private hostel or as a lodging facility.
Unauthorized additional load and meter faultiness – short assessment bill issued – P/342/2013 – Raveendran G, Kottayam.


The energy consumption in one phase is not recording in the meter and also detected unauthorized additional load in the premises of the consumer. To recover the revenue loss, the consumer was issued short assessment bill assessing the energy escaped from billing as 1/3rd and to recover penal charges for unauthorized use of energy for 1 KW by KSEB. In the case of short assessment bill during meter faulty period, it is directed to revise the bill based on the average consumption during the previous period. In the case of the penal bill for the UAL , the Forum not considered the merits of the issue since section 126 of Electricity Act will not fall under the purview of the Forum.
Unauthorised use of electricity – P/189/2011 – V.S.Jeevakumar, Ernakulam.


The dispute is regarding the unauthorised use of energy by the appellant by extending electric supply from one consumer number belonging to one building to the nearby building. The Assistant Engineer inspected the site and detected an unauthorised extension to the nearby building and a provisional bill under LT VIIA tariff was issued based on the inspection. This is the cause for the petition.

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