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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
Unauthorized use of electricity – penal bill issued – P/245/2011 – C.M. Shajahan, Adoor


KSEB officials detected unauthorized use of electricity by diverting the supply from the domestic connection to commercial connection, using change over switches. The consumer was issued penal bills for the irregularity. Since the consumption of both does not show any abnormal rise in domestic consumption with corresponding decrease in commercial connection during the disputed period, it is decided to set aside the disputed bill.
Unauthorized use of electricity by connecting additional electrical equipments (excess load) without sanction – Review on Hon High Courts direction– Appeal petition No. P/99/2010 – M/s Gasha Steels Pvt. Ltd, Palakkad


An inspection done by the APTS detected unauthorized additional load at the premises of the appellant, an HT consumer. The dispute is regarding the quantum with respect to the sanctioned connected load and the irregularity falls squarely within the ambit of Section 126 of Electricity Act 2003 and was not maintainable before the CGRF and EO. The Hon High Court directed EO to hear and dispose as per Law.
Unauthorized line extension – surprise inspection by APTS and short assessment bill issued – P/270/2012 – A. Gopinathan, Thiruvanathapuram.


Unauthorized use of electricity by extending supply from one building to another building in the premise of the appellant was detected by the APTS team in a surprise inspection. It is confirmed that unauthorized extension of electric supply has occurred in the premises of the appellant. As it is a case of unauthorized use of electricity under Section 126, the appeal petition is not maintainable before this Forum and disposed of accordingly.

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