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P/022/2023- Shri. Jino Sebastian
The appellant Sri. Jino Sebastian purchased 5.80 cents of land at Edakkunni village of Trichur Corporation to build a house. The appellant is a Kottayam native and residing in Trichur as he is posted in Trichur. The building permit was obtained and the construction has been started. The 11 Kv line drawn to provide power for the Thaikkattussery Ayurveda college is rerouted as per the request of the Principal, Ayurveda college for the expansion of the college. The proposed route of the 11 Kv line was approved by the ADM. The line with ABC cable was drawn by the side of the road in front of the plot owned by the appellant. One stay wire of the post was placed inside this property without the consent. The appellant wants this stay wire is to be removed from the property. The appellant approached the CGRF and CGRF issued order vide order dated 31/03/2023. Aggrieved by the order of the CGRF, appellant filed the appeal petition to this Authority. On verifying the documents submitted and hearing both the petitioner and respondent and also from the analysis as mentioned above, the following decision are hereby taken. 1. The Licensee has to remove the stay wire from the property of appellant as agreed during the site inspection. 2. The licensee has to bear the cost of this alteration or modification. 3. No order on cost.


Size 162.41 KB
Downloads 452
Created 2023-08-23 09:26:23


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