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RP/OO5/2023- Sri. Mohammed Nisar
The review appellant Mohammed Nisar is a domestic consumer of the licensee under the Kondotty, Electrical Section. The review appellant availed temporary connection under tariff 6F and then regularised the domestic connection on completion of the construction to Tariff 1A and the connection was converted into 3 phase on 05/10/2021. Due to certain error happened in the data entry to the Orumanet, the bill was not generated for two billing cycles. The meter readings were taken and entered in the register. The bill was issued on 21/03/2022 for a period from 20/09/21 to 20/03/2022 for Rs. 25,357/-. This was not argreed by the review appellant stating that there is no consumption as there is no occupant in the home. He filed the petition to CGRF and CGRF issued order stating that the respondent can collect the energy charges from the petitioner. Then the appeal petition was filed to this authority and petition was numbered P/13/2023. The appeal was disposed after completing all the procedural formalities. Aggrieved by the decision of Ombudsman this review petition was filed to the authority. On verifying the documents submitted and hearing both the petitioner and respondent and also from the analysis as mentioned above, the following decision are hereby taken and accordingly the decision taken on appeal petition P/13/2023 is revised. 1. The review appellant is liable to pay the bill amount. 2. The licensee shall grant at least three instalments for making the payment. 3. No order on cost.


Size 158.95 KB
Downloads 450
Created 2023-08-24 05:09:10


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