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P/0352023- Sri. Biju Kuriakose
The appellant shri Biju Kuriakose is a consumer of the licensee under the tariff LT IA with the consumer number: 11573444011859 under Thiruvaniyoor Section. The consumer installed a Solar Plant of 10kw capacity on 13/12/2018. The connected load of the consumer is 29.35 kw. The solar plant is the grid interactive solar system. The meter has been converted CT/PT connected meter as his connected load exceeded 25kw on 18/12/2020. The zone wise reading of the TOD meter started from 7/2022 onwards. On verification of the zone wise reading, it recorded export of energy in the Zone II and Zone III which shows that there is connection error in CT. Accordingly the sub engineers visited the site and found that the secondary terminals of the CT connected wrongly to the meter. As the polarity was reversed the meter recorded export as import and import as export. The connections were rectified and a mahazzar was prepared. A short assessment bill for Rs. 3, 09,269/- was issued to the appellant. The CGRF was approached and CGRF issued order stating that the appellant is liable to pay the short assessment bill with effect from 18/12/2020. Aggrieved by the decision of CGRF, this appeal petition is filed.


Size 224.99 KB
Downloads 434
Created 2023-12-26 05:54:28


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