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What are the remedies available for the consumers if the Distribution Licensees do not comply with the orders of Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF) or Ombudsman?

Date added:
Monday, 23 February 2009
Last revised:
Sunday, 05 April 2009
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As per Section 27(4) of the KSERC (CGRF & Ombudsman) Regulations ‘the distribution licensee shall comply with the orders of the Ombudsman’.

If the Licensees refuse to comply, the Consumer can make report to the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission for taking action against the Licensee under the provisions Electricity Act 2003 . Section 142 of the Electricity Act 2003 says that in case any complaint is filed before the Commission by any person on the non compliance of the Electricity Act or Rules or ny Regulations made as per the Act , the Commission after observing the formalities, may order payment of  Penalty by the person responsible. The penalty may be upto Rupees One Lakh and upto Rupees Six Thousnad for every day of continuance of non compliance.

In other words if the Consumer finds that orders of CGRF or Ombudsman is not complied by the Distribution Companies and Licensees including KSEB, he has to make a written report to Kerala state Electricity Regulatory Commission , KPFC BHavan, Vallayambalam, Thiruvananthapuram for futher action on the matter.


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Do you Know?

Consumers should submit  petitions to CGRF first before appealing Ombudsman.

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