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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
Unauthorized extension of supply of electricity and assessment made under Section 126 of IE Act 2003 – denial of new connection - P/255/2011- Rev. Fr. Benadine M. Louis, thiruvanathapuram.


The appellant was issued a provisional assessment bill for the unauthorized extension and use of additional load to his newly constructed building, consequent on a site inspection by the officials of the KSEB. The case of penal charges was settled as per the order of the Dy. CE, limiting the penal charges and adjusting the said dues. The appellant has the grievance of denial of connection to his newly constructed building, for want of clearing the old arrears. He claimed compensation for the delay occurred. The grievance on this point is found devoid of merit and hence rejected.
Unauthorized extension and connection of additional load – P/269/2012 – Antony SRT, Kochi


The consumer had applied for additional load and regularized the same. The APTS inspection conducted just after the regularization of additional load, had detected an unauthorized extension and also unauthorized load in the premises of the consumer. The main point of dispute is whether the unauthorized load detected is one and the same that was regularized earlier. The petition was remanded to the Assistant Engineer to review the case and decide the issue afresh as per law.
Unauthorized additional load – provisional short assessment bill issued - P/192/2011 – Divakaran, Kozhikode


An inspection was conducted by the officials of KSEB and found unauthorised additional load in the premises of the consumer. Provisional bill being the penal charges was served on the consumer and he remitted the same. Later a short assessment bill was served on the consumer based on an audit report. This is the reason for the grievance.

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Consumers should submit  petitions to CGRF first before appealing Ombudsman.

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