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Orders Files: 1307
Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
Unauthorised Extension of LT cable to the nearby HT consumer’s industrial premise and UAL availed– penal assessment with LT VIII –Temp. Ext. tariff-under Section 126 of IE Act – P/291/2012 – M/S Pyarelal Foam Pvt. Ltd., Palakkad


The main dispute is on tariff used for raising a penal bill for the offence of extending LT power supply from one HT premise to another and connecting unauthorized additional load there, under Section 126 of IE Act 2003. As any dispute or complaints pertaining to such matters are not maintainable before the CGRF and Ombudsman, the only point considered is whether the applicable tariff used for raising the penal bill, for the offence of unauthorized extension of service from one premise to another was in order. The applicable tariff for penalization must be the purpose for which energy was misused.
Unauthorised and illegal installation of electric post and line caused damage to the property – P/199/2011 – C.G.George, Kollam


The KSEB officials has caused destruction by way of cutting and removing the branches of rubber trees standing in the property without consent and forcefully erected two concrete posts and has drawn line through the property of the petitioner for giving connection to another person. This is the allegation raised by the petitioner. Dispute
Unauthorised additional load – short assessment bills issued – P/341/2013 – Biju T. Nair, Kochi.


The appellant was penalized under Section 126 of Electricity Act, 2003 for unauthorized additional load which was detected during the APTS inspection. The appellant had already paid the estimated cost for installing a transformer for obtaining additional load in his premises. It is held that the appeal petition is not maintainable before the Ombudsman since it was charged under Section 126, unauthorised use of electricity. It is found that the penal bill raised by the respondent is against the method ordered by the KSERC and hence the case remanded to the assessing officer to review the same as per rules.

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