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P/044/2023- Sri. Salim M.M.,MES M.K. Mackar Pillay College for Advanced Studies
The appellant Shri. Salim D.M. is the Scretary of MES, which is running an educational institution at Edathala Ernakulam in the name M.K. Mackar Pillay College for Advanced Studies. This is a self financial institution and is consumer to the licensee (KSEBL) under the tariff LT VI F. The consumer was billing under wrong tariff LT VI A for a period from 09/2009 to 07/2017. During this period the Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission has changed the tariff of self financing institution three times.The wrong tariff application was detected by the Regional Audit office during the audit conducted on 28/10/2022 and accordingly the short assessment bill issued to the consumer on 01/03/2023 for an amount of Rs. 4,41,060/-. The appellant has challenged the bill before the CGRF Central Zone and CGRF issued the order on completing the proceedings dated 04/08/2023. Aggrieved by the decision of CGRF, this appeal petition is filed to this authority.


Size 168.55 KB
Downloads 487
Created 2023-12-26 06:45:10


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