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P/047/2024, The Headmaster, Govt.U.P.School, Nadutheri, Pathanapuram
The appellant is the Headmaster of Govt.U.P.S, Thalavoor, Kulakkada, Pathanapuram, Kollam Dist., A three phase service connection under the tariff LT 6A has given to this school in the name of Shri. Gangadharan, the Headmaster of the school on 31/03/1977. As the regular power charges are not paid from 03/2004 to 07/2007, the power was dismantled on 18/08/2008. Then the outstanding amount was Rs. 6,045/-. The letter was given to clear the dues on 25/08/2008 and the reminder notice was given on 15/09/2008. No action was taken by the school authorities for clearing the arrears and then the licensee initiated for R.R action. The next notice has been sent to the school on 30/11/2013 for the One time settlement of the outstanding addressing to Shri. Gangadharan, Headmaster the letter was not received by anybody as it is addressed to an individual. Later another letter send on 20/11/2014 was returned. The present headmaster has taken over charge on 29/05/2019 and he had received notice of the dues only on 2023. The appellant has filed the petition to CGRF and CGRF issued order dated 10/06/2024 stating that the appellant is liable to pay arrear bills issued by the licensee. Aggrieved by the order of the CGRF, this appeal petition is filed to this Authority.


Size 162.91 KB
Downloads 812
Created 2024-09-03 10:58:56


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