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Additional Load - P/047/2014 - Dominic Alexander, Kochi
The appellant, Sri Dominic Alexander, Lokah Restaurant, 33/2338, Chalikkavattom, Vyttila Bypass, Kochi – 682 019 is a commercial consumer with consumer No. 13218 under Electrical Section, Vennala. An inspection was conducted in the appellant’s premises by the APTS on 26/06/2012 and unauthorised additional load to the tune of 16 kW was detected. Based on the above findings, a short assessment bill for an amount of Rs. 2,31,654/- was issued on 17/12/2012 for the period from 07/2012 to 05/2013. Aggrieved against the bill, the petitioner approached CGRF on 18/01/2014. The CGRF disposed the petition directing the respondent to revise the assessment by limiting the period of assessment to three months from the date of inspection i.e. 26/06/2012, with a direction to regularise the additional load. Also directed to issue fresh bill for the fixed charges for the additional load regularised from 27/09/2012 till the regularisation of the same. Accordingly, the respondent issued revised bill for an amount of Rs. 70,158/- on 13/08/2014. Not satisfied, the appellant filed this petition. The petition is dismissed.


Size 180.5 KB
Downloads 1872
Created 2015-03-20 00:00:00


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