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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
Unauthorized additional load – disputes on the date of regularization of connected load – P/284/2012 – P.K.Ibrahim, Ernakulam.


The consumers premises inspected by AE detected unauthorized additional load and based on this the consumer was served with a penal bill. The consumer disputes the claim of the KSEB since he had remitted additional cash deposit for regularizing the additional load earlier. Here the question to be decided is the quantum of UAL availed by the consumer.
Unauthorized additional load detected in the premises of the consumer – P/345/2013 – M/s Industrial Engineering Corporation, Ernakulam.


Based on an inspection conducted by the officials of KSEB, the consumer was issued with a short assessment bill for the unauthorized additional load detected in the premises. It is held that the appeal petition is not maintainable before the Ombudsman since it was charged under Section 126, unauthorised use of electricity. It is found that the penal bill raised by the respondent is against the method ordered by the KSERC and hence the case remanded to the assessing officer to review the same.
Unauthorized additional load detected during inspection conducted by KSEB officials – short assessment bill – P/333/2012 – Ramachandran, Guruvayoor.


Unauthorized additional load detected during inspection conducted by KSEB officials – short assessment bill – P/333/2012 – Ramachandran, Guruvayoor.

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Consumers should submit  petitions to CGRF first before appealing Ombudsman.

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