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Orders of Kerala Electricity Ombudsman  in pdf format
P-075-2022-Sri. P.P. Kishore Kumar, Kozhikode-Order 23-12-22


Without appellant’s consent Licensee has given electric connection to the neighbour, crossing his compound. Decision : Uphold the decision of CGRF-NR Licensee has to tie up the service wire, so as to get maximum clearance.
P-083-2022-Sri. Biju. K.K., Ernakulam-Order 22-12-22


The APTS unit of Ernakulam conducted an inspection in the premises on 22-01-2022. During the inspection they found that the multiplication factor used for billing was 20 instead of 40. The site mahazar was prepared and bill for Rs.63,35/- was issued to the appellant as the undercharged amount from 02-2019 to 01-2022. The appellant challenged the bill and on examination the Licensee has noticed some mistakes and bill has been corrected to Rs.53,805/-. The appellant filed petition to the CGRF(CR) vide order dated 25-08-2022 ordered to revise the short assessment bill for the month 12/2020 and 01/2021. The CGRF(CR) issued a revised order dated 12-10-2022 and corrected the order to revise the short assessment bill for the months 12/2020 and 11/2021. Accordingly, the bill again revised to Rs.43,350/-. The appellant filed the appeal petition to this Authority and following decisions are taken: 1. The Licensee shall revise the bill correcting the amount for the months of 01/2021 and 05/2020. 2. The appellant is liable to pay the revised short assessment bill being issued by the Licensee as per decision (1) above. 3. The Licensee has to fix the responsibility to the person who made this mistake and take suitable action.
P-079-2022- Sri. Basid Chelakkod, Kozhikode-20-12-22


The Licensee has changed the tariff to VIIA w.e.f. 13-02-2014. This was not known to the appellant. The repeated request of the appellant was not heard and not changed to domestic tariff. Appellant was issued with bill for Rs.32,790/- for the period from 04/2020 to 06/2022. The appellant made last payment on 24-09-2020. The meter readings were not taken for the months 4/2020, 6/2020 and 08/2020 due to Covid-19 pandemic. The reading was taken on 10/2020 and the consumption recorded was 2558 units. The consumption was divided into 4 bi-months and bill is prepared accordingly. The supply was disconnected on 27-11-2021. The minimum monthly demand charges were also issued for 12/2021 to 06/2022. The bill for an amount of Rs.33,623/- was issued on 03-10-2022. The appellant filed petition to the Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum (CGRF), Northern Region, Kozhikode and CGRF (NR) vide order dated 13-09-2022 ordered that the appellant is liable to pay the bill amount. The appellant filed appeal petition before this Authority and following decision is taken: 1. Decision of Licensee to change the tariff from I (A) to VII (A) is set aside and the appellant should be in the tariff I (A). 2. The demand notice issued to the appellant is quashed. Prepare a revise bill as per tariff I(A) and the appellant is liable to pay the charges, if any, as per the revised bill. 3. The Licensee has to refund the excess charged on the tariff VII (A) to the appellant.

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