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Voluntary disclosure Scheme to regularize unauthorized additional load – request for refund of penalized amount – P/281/2012 – Manilal C.P., Thrissur.
The appellant has requested load enhancement and the AE returned the request with direction to submit with ‘completion report through a licensed wiring contractor. The consumer did not take any further action as directed by the AE for next 5 months. Meanwhile, KSEB inspected the premises of the consumer and detected unauthorized additional load. The consumer has remitted the penal bill issued to him in this regard. Thereafter the KSEB announced a Voluntary Disclosure Scheme to regularize the unauthorized load of the consumers of the State. The consumer demands refund of the penalized amount since he had disclosed the additional load earlier and thereby claims the benefit of the Scheme. The petition dismissed as it is found devoid of merits.


Size 27.23 KB
Downloads 1924
Created 2013-05-17 10:39:25


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